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Roasted and Stuffed Honeynut Squash

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It’s squash season, and Julie and I could not be happier! In the last couple weeks, we have been sitting at the kitchen counter dreaming and chatting about which squash recipe to try next; creative juices are flowing and we continue to drool over idea after idea of roasted squashes, pumpkin this and pumpkin that, pear and thyme bagel schmears, and so many other warm spiced autumn recipes. These beautiful honeynut squashes are popping up everywhere in local markets!  In fact, Carly texted a picture of them to Julie while she was out shopping–and Julie texted back that they were already in her cart!  We were challenged to type this one up for you since we invented it on the fly with “a little of this and a little of that,” but  we had to take a stab at it. We cannot thank our hungry bellies enough for dreaming this one up. This recipe has also drummed up the best feedback we have ever received, so we cannot thank our guests enough for trying out of new and exciting recipes we come up with!


5 Honeynut squash

1lb Chorizo

1 Handful of Swiss Chard or Spinach

1/2 Small Onion

1 Bell Pepper

Shredded Chihuahua Cheese

3 Tablespoons Olive Oil

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Pepper

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

3/4 Teaspoon Thyme

1/2 Teaspoon Smoked Paprika

1/4 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper

10 Eggs

Crumbled Queso Fresco

Chopped Cilantro

Sour Cream


  1. Start by cutting all of the squash in half lengthwise from top to bottom. Remember to always be careful when cutting squash. Unless you have a sharp knife it can be very difficult and slippery and you have to use a bit of force to get all the way through it. Once cut in half, use  a sturdy metal spoon to scoop out the seeds of each half of your squash.
  2. Arrange all of your squash halves onto a baking sheet. Drizzle and massage with olive oil and evenly spread herbs and spices over each of the squash.
  3. Par-bake in a 400 degree oven for 10-15min. You want the squash to be soft enough that you can scoop out more of the flesh to make it into a “boat” but not too soft that it will overcook for your second round of baking.
  4. Take the squash halves out of the oven and cool to the point where you can handle them without burning yourself. Gently scrape out some of the flesh to make them into little “boats”. Roughly chop the squash you have scooped.
  5. While the squash is cooling you can prepare your filling. Brown 1lb of Chorizo in a medium high pan.  Drain excess fat if necessary.  Sweat Peppers and Onions and squash pieces in with the chorizo until onions are translucent. Chop greens into ribbons, and combine all together.
  6. Gently stuff your filling into your squash halves, top with shredded Chihuahua Cheese (or other cheese of your liking), and bake in a 400 degree oven until tender. Another 15-30 minutes depending on how big or full your squashes are.
  7. Top the squash with an over easy fried egg, sour cream, queso fresco crumbles, and cilantro. Enjoy!


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