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Our Assistant Innkeeper, Carly, found this recipe while making Christmas cookies. Not only do these cookies miraculously hold their shape, but their fudgy consistency will rival even the best brownie! These chocolate sugar cookies have quickly become one of our favorites to bake up for the month of February to help spread the love and celebrate Valentine’s Day the best way we know how….with chocolate!


Note: This recipe makes A LOT of cookies. We cut out the dough and freeze our shapes for easy small-batch baking. We haven’t listed a serving size because there are infinitely many cookie cutter shapes!

Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Total Time: 60 Minutes
Servings: 30-40


  • 2 Cups Unsalted Butter (softened)
  • 2 Cups Granulated Sugar
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 3 Teaspoons Vanilla
  • 4 Cups All-Purpose Flour
  • 1 1/2 Cups Cocoa Powder
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt


  1. Cream together the butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer until thoroughly incorporated.

  2. Add eggs, one at a time, waiting until each is fully mixed in before adding the next and scraping down the sides of the bowl.

  3. While mixer is still running, add vanilla extract and salt.

  4. In a separate bowl mix together your flour and cocoa powder and slowly add them to your mixer. (BEWARE if you have a standard sized stand mixer this recipe comes pretty close to overtaking the bowl. GO SLOW)

  5. Once all your dry ingredients have been incorporated, roll your dough between two pieces of parchment paper about 1/4 inch thick, and refrigerate for at least an hour.

  6. Cut out your cookies to their desired shape, place on a baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes (cookies should look just set on the top--baking times depend on the thickness of the cookie).

  7. Place dough scraps together, re-roll between parchment paper, and refrigerate as before. Continue process until all cookies are made

  8. Let cookies cool to room temperature before decorating. We like simple royal icing drizzle with sprinkles or a dusting of powdered sugar ;)

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