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Pumpkin Popovers

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These pumpkin popovers are a seasonal twist on one of our favorites. This light and fluffy accompaniment provides our guests a vessel to try our homemade jams and jellies that we love to share. They also feel almost guilt free because unlike biscuits they are airy and sometimes hollow on the inside.  Don’t be intimidated to make popovers!  The only tricks are a fully preheated pan and room temperature batter.


4 Eggs

1 Cup Room Temperature Milk

1/2 Cup Cooked OR Canned Pumpkin

3 Tablespoons Melted Butter

1 Cup All Purpose Flour

1/2 teaspoon Salt

1/2 teaspoon Pumpkin Pie Spice (optional)

Pinch of Cayenne (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 375. Make sure you preheat your popover pan, custard cups, or even a muffin pan in the oven as well.
  2. In a blender combine Eggs, Milk, Pumpkin, Melted Butter, Four, Salt, and Spices. Blend until smooth
  3. Once everything is nicely preheated, grease your custard cups or a popover pan (we usually spray them with the pam while they are still in the oven). We usually use pam, but butter would work great as well.
  4. Pour the batter evenly among your popover pan at least half to 2/3 of the way full.
  5. Bake your popovers anywhere from 30-50 minutes depending on the size of your custard cups or popover pan. Watch them. Once they turn brown you will want to poke into the side of each and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes to dry out the insides.
  6. Serve with Butter and your favorite jam!

Servings:  8 popovers in an authentic popover pan


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